2024-2025 Alliance Parent Advocacy Series

December 12, 2024, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Maximizing Your Services Through the NJCAT
Hinkle, Prior, and Fischer, P.

The New Jersey Comprehensive Assessment Tool (NJCAT) is a mandatory assessment used by DDD. A parent’s responses to the questions on the NJCAT produce a score that DDD uses to establish a funding tier for an individual budget, or to determine the reimbursement rate a provider will receive for that individual’s services. Too often families and caregivers fill out the form incorrectly, resulting in a very low budget for their child. In this presentation attendees will develop a broad understanding of how to answer the questions to adequately capture the needs of their loved one with disabilities. The 90-minute presentation includes time for Q&As.

This event is co-sponsored by ASAH

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode: Zi0?GD.g

About our presenters

Attorneys at Hinkle, Prior & Fischer, P.C., have over 70 years of combined experience providing specialized legal services to families of children and adults with a wide range of disabilities, and seniors.  They have argued many of the precedent setting cases affecting individuals with disabilities in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Maria Fischer, Esq.

Maria Fischer, Esq.

S. Paul Prior

S. Paul Prior

Herbert D. Hinkle

Herbert D. Hinkle

February, 18, 2025, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Understanding and Supporting Individuals with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
Featuring Dr. Michael Selbst, Ph.D., BCBA-

Michael Selbst, Ph.D., BCBA-D (Executive Director of Behavior Therapy Associates) will share the complexities of Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), which has recently been considered a distinct pattern of behavior most often seen among individuals with autism and can co-occur with ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and PTSD. PDA is characterized by an overwhelming resistance to everyday demands and requests. Individuals with this behavioral profile commonly need to establish and maintain control, which is often related to their significant discomfort (i.e., anxiety). Their behaviors commonly interfere with their functioning across situations and environments, and these behaviors tend not to respond as well to conventional treatment approaches. Successful intervention includes fostering greater flexibility, social awareness, empathy, and adaptive skills to increase their independence. Dr. Selbst will discuss based practices to more effectively support, manage, and educate individuals with PDA.

This event is co-sponsored by ASAH

Register in advance for this meeting:

Use the Passcode: 62=3t+u9

Michael C. Selbst, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Dr. Michael Selbst, Ph.D., BCBA-D

About Our Speaker

Michael C. Selbst, Ph.D., BCBA-D is the Executive Director of Behavior Therapy Associates in Somerset, New Jersey. He is a Licensed Psychologist in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Certified School Psychologist, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctoral level. Dr. Selbst earned his undergraduate degree with honors in Psychology at the University of Delaware, and he was awarded a University Fellowship to Temple University, where he attained his Master’s in Education and Ph.D. in School Psychology.

He has expertise in the evaluation and treatment of clients who presents with symptoms of anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, mood disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, social skills deficits, learning disabilities, as well as family and relationship issues, parent training, and co-parenting. Dr. Selbst has extensive experience working with pre-school aged children through adults, including expertise helping individuals working through significant life changes and transitions. He has led numerous workshops, including at local, statewide, national and international conferences. Dr. Selbst is co-author of the Behavior Problems Resource Kit: Forms and Procedures for Identification, Measurement and Intervention and the social skills curriculum, POWER-Solving®: Stepping Stones to Solving Life’s Everyday Social Problems, and the book chapter “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” in A. G. Dempsey’s (Ed.) book, Pediatric health conditions in schools: a clinician’s guide for working with children, families, and educators.

March 6, 2025, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Think College – Exploring College for Students with Intellectual Disability: Families Make it Happen!
Featuring Danie Roberts-Dahm, PhD

As students transition out of high school, they have many decisions to make about their future. Students with intellectual disability who go to college get a chance to make friends, try new things, take classes, and get jobs. Most importantly, they get the chance to broaden their independence and figure out what they want their lives to look like. Opportunities for students with intellectual disability to go to college are increasingly available. This session provides an overview of inclusive postsecondary education options and then outlines some steps you can take to learn more about college options.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Use the passcode: S23V3v^G

Danie Roberts-Dahm, PhD

Danie Roberts-Dahm, PhD

About Our Speaker

Danie is the project coordinator of the Think College Inclusive Higher Education Network. She leads project implementation, including regional partnership development, training and technical assistance, and dissemination. Prior to Think College, Danie served in leadership roles at an inclusive postsecondary program and a state technical assistance center focused on the transition of students with disabilities in Florida. Danie’s work has been focused on the development of inclusive college opportunities for students with disabilities.

2023-2024 Alliance Parent Advocacy Series

October 10, 2023, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

When the Local Public School is Not Enough: Exploring the Need For An Out of District Placement
Featuring Hillary Freeman, Esq.

What happens when the local public school cannot meet a child’s academic, behavioral or social/emotional needs?

Join us as Hillary discusses topics including least restrictive environment; accommodations, modifications and supports in public schools; the full range of placement options; demonstrating the need for out of district services; researching schools; writing the IEP; and planning the eventual return to district.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode: QGC!b#0?

About our presenter

Hillary Freeman, Esq. is an attorney and national speaker in special education matters in the law. As the sister of a man with Autism, she combines personal experience with her legal training to help families advocate for services and supports. For more information, email hillary@freemanlawoffices.com, or call 609-454-5609.

Hillary Freeman, Esq.

Hillary Freeman, Esq.

November 14, 2023, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Transition Planning: Keeping the Dream Alive
Featuring Jerisa Chiumbu-Maseko, FLE, MHFA, CMHC

Worried about what lies ahead in high school and beyond? Jerisa Maseko, Director of The Arc of New Jersey’s Planning for Adult Life program, shares insights and expertise. Learn about the ‘nuts and bolts’ of planning the transition from school to adult life, as well as successful strategies to engage students in self advocacy around the outcomes THEY want, and ways to keep focused on meaningful employment – and not settling for work that is unfulfilling or dead end jobs.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode:  .*Jo#08=

Adam Krass, MS, ATP, Assistive Technology Consultant

Jerisa Chiumbu-Maseko, FLE, MHFA, CMHC

About Our Speaker

Jerisa Chiumbu-Maseko, FLE, M HFA, CHHC is the Director of Planning for Adult Life at The Arc of New Jersey. JMaseko@arcnj.org.  732-828-0972.

December 12, 2023, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Executive Function: Best Practices for Skill Development to Foster Learning & Socialization
Featuring Dr. Michael Selbst

Does your child struggle with organizing, planning, prioritizing, attention, memory, starting and completing tasks, self-monitoring, flexibility, and emotional regulation? Join us as Dr. Michael Selbst talks about Executive Function skills. Executive Function skills are critical for success at school, home, the community, the workplace, and in social relationships. He will help attendees understand an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in these areas, identify factors that are getting in the way of one’s success, and describe strategies and interventions that can be implemented as part of a comprehensive plan.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode:  8^r?M^W1

Frank Latham

Dr. Michael Selbst

About Our Speaker

Michael C. Selbst, Ph.D., BCBA-D is the Executive Director of Behavior Therapy Associates. A Licensed Psychologist, Certified School Psychologist, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctoral level, he has extensive experience evaluating and treating pre-school aged children through adults, consulting with schools, and has led numerous workshops, including at local, statewide, national, and international conferences.

January 9, 2024, 7:00 – 8:15 PM

What Happened to My IEP?: Transitioning to the College Setting with Appropriate Accommodations
Featuring Andrew Meltzer, Esq.

The college acceptance letters have arrived, but many students with disabilities are surprised to learn that there are no IEPs in college. Students need to be able to identify their own challenges and exercise  self-advocacy skills to secure appropriate accommodations. This dynamic process is rarely a ‘one and done’ experience and must be adjusted and renewed with each semester. In this program, Andrew Melzer shares steps and strategies to help ensure a more seamless and successful transition from high school to college.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode:  k0$wc28?

Frank Latham

Andrew Meltzer, Esq.

About Our Speaker

Andrew Meltzer is a special education attorney and advocate with Sussan, Greenwald & Wexler. He knows on a deeply personal level the challenges families of children with special needs encounter because he was a classified student with learning differences. Mr. Meltzer’s goal is to help students with special needs attain the success in school and life they are capable of. His unique personal insights and professional experiences in special education law makes him a natural and effective advocate for his clients.

February 13, 2024, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Dating, Relationships and Sexuality
Featuring Bobbie Gallagher, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Children and teens with disabilities are sexual beings, just like their peers. Parents and educators need to provide developmentally appropriate information so that children are not only safe, but also ready for the physical changes that adolescence brings, along with the feelings and emotions that go with it. In this program, parent and sexuality expert Bobbie Gallagher shares strategies and best practice to help children and teens – and their parents – prepare for this very normal part of growing up.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode: tj$HB%p0

Presentation Materials:

Dating, Relationships and Sexuality

Dr. Sarah Allen

Bobbie Gallagher, Ph.D., BCBA-D

About Our Speaker

Dr. Bobbie Gallagher is the mother of three children, two of whom have autism. The author of A Brick Wall: How a Boy with No Words Spoke to the World, Bobbie is an established national-level public speaker on topics involving autism, developmental disabilities, and sexuality for individuals with disabilities. She and her husband were both involved in the efforts leading to national legislation such as the Autism ASSURE Act and the Autism CARES Act.

March 12, 2024, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

IEP Basics: What Parents Need to Know to Be Full Participants
Featuring Denise Dimson Rekem, Esq., and Judith Weinstock, Esq.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode: 2mJhH+8K

About our presenter

Denise Dimson Rekem, Esq., and Judith Weinstock, Esq., are attorneys in private practice at Parles Rekem, Attorneys at Law. Both focus on the representation of individuals with special needs and their families in the areas of early intervention, special education, transition and adult services, residential placements, guardianships, bullying and discipline. Learn more at https://www.parlesrekem.com, or call: 973-564-0055.

Denise Dimson Rekem, Esq.

Denise Dimson Rekem, Esq.

Judith Weinstock, Esq.

Judith Weinstock, Esq.

April 16, 2024, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Telling Our Stories: Family Voices & Perspective
Featuring Joanne DeSimone, Iris Mehler, MS. CRS, Alma Schneider, LCSW, and Niya Wright

Increasingly, family members of people with disabilities are sharing their stories about living with and loving a child or sibling with disabilities. Honest, unvarnished storytelling creates connection, deepens the public’s understanding of the disability experience, and allows people with disabilities to see themselves in the world and know that their lives matter. Join us as four family members describe how sharing their lived experiences connects people in unexpected ways.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode: 8jI*vDK&

Joanne DeSimone

Joanne DeSimone

Alma Schneider, LCSW

Alma Schneider, LCSW

Iris Mehler, MS. CRS

Iris Mehler, MS. CRS

Niya Wright

Niya Wright

About Our Speakers

Joanne De Simone is a special education advocate for the Alliance of Private Special Education Schools of North Jersey and the mother of two sons with disabilities. She holds a masters degree in Special Education. Creator of Special-EducationMom.com, her writing has appeared in the Washington Post, Exceptional Parent Magazine, and the Rumpus, among other publications. Her memoir, Fall and Recovery: Raising Children with Disabilities through Lessons Learned in Dance (She Writes Press, 2024) is due out August 2024.

Niya Wright is a former production manager and writer for the Emmy Winning children’s show, Ada Twist, Scientist, on Netflix. Prior to that, she worked at Disney ABC Television, where she was a writers’ assistant for the daytime soap opera, General Hospital. She holds a BA in Communications from Loyola Marymount University. Niya is also the proud sister of Nassan, a young man with autism. Nassan is the inspiration for the game changing 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by Niya and Nassan’s mother, Nadine Wright-Arbubakrr. Nassan’s Place is making a difference in the lives of children and families affected by autism in and around under-served inner city communities by providing educational and recreational programs, social outings, resources and so much more. Nadine’s passion to share Nassan and their family’s story with autism to help others is a constant example and inspiration to Niya.

Alma Schneider is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with nearly three decades of practice under her belt. She has been facilitating weekly support groups for close to five hundred parents of children with disabilities for the last thirteen years, is the founder of the Montclair Disability Pride Parade, and is an appointed member of the People with Disabilities Committee for the town of Montclair, NJ. Alma is co-founder of the podcast, 2 moms no fluff and the consulting company, 1in6 Consulting. Alma has four children, one of whom has Prader-Willi Syndrome, Autism and ADHD.

Iris Mehler holds a Master of Science degree in Rehabilitation Counseling, with a post graduate certification in Assistive Technologies. She has more than two decades of experience working with children and adults with disabilities and supporting communities and organizations in their efforts to become more inclusive to people of all abilities. She is an appointed member of the Midland (MI) Access to Community Committee. Iris is the co-host of the podcast 2 Moms No Fluff where she discusses the uncensored truth about raising children with disabilities. She is the Co-founder of 1in6 Consulting – helping organizations create a more inclusive workplace for employees caring for children with disabilities. Lastly, Iris is the proud mother of two children, one of whom has quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy and is non-verbal.

2022-2023 Alliance Parent Advocacy Series

October 11, 2022, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

When the Local Public School is Not Enough: Exploring the Need For An Out of District Placement

Featuring Hillary Freeman, Esq.

What happens when the local public school cannot meet a child’s academic, behavioral or social/emotional needs? Join us as Hillary discusses topics including least restrictive environment; accommodations, modifications and supports in public schools; the full range of placement options; demonstrating the need for out of district services; researching schools; writing the IEP; and planning the eventual return to district.

This event was co-sponsored by ASAH.

Passcode: Vvi?&8QG

About our presenters

Hillary Freeman, Esq. is an attorney and national speaker in special education matters in the law. As the sister of a man with Autism, she combines personal experience with her legal training to help families advocate for services and supports. For more information, email hillary@freemanlawoffices.com, or call 609-454-5609.

Hillary Freeman, Esq.

Hillary Freeman, Esq.

November 15, 2022, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Assistive Technology Supports for Executive Functioning

Featuring Adam Krass, MS, ATP, Assistive Technology Consultant

This webinar will explore assistive technology supports for students who struggle with Executive Function and Organization skills. Join us as Adam Krauss describes tools that support planning, organizing ideas or materials, time management, scheduling, “big picture” thinking, and memory. Ideal for parents, teachers and educators, Adam will focus his talk on the needs of students in grades 6-12, including a tie-in to transition to higher education, employment, and community involvement.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode: R.4@V1N+

About our presenter

Adam Krass, MS, ATP, has over 30 years of experience in the field of assistive technology and has provided assistive technology services to children and adults with disabilities in school, work and home settings. For more information, visit https://adamkrassconsulting.us/. You can contact Adam at 201-618-2315.

Adam Krass, MS, ATP, Assistive Technology Consultant

Adam Krass, MS, ATP, Assistive Technology Consultant

December 13, 2022, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Supporting Youth Voice in the IEP: A Path to Success

Featuring Frank Latham

Strong advocacy skills are essential in a successful transition from school to adult life. Join us as Frank Latham discusses ways to develop self-advocacy skills and support youth voice in the IEP process and beyond. This workshop is designed for students, CST members and parents alike.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode: d!hc6%2c

About our presenter

Frank Latham is the Coordinator of the Youth Leadership Program at the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities.

Frank Latham

Frank Latham

Cancel January 10 Virtual Conference Workshop - Digital Literacy w Ashley Ritchie

February 7, 2023, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Raising Brains with ADHD

Featuring Dr. Sarah Allen

Ever wonder what ADHD looks like in the brain or why kids with ADHD struggle at times? And how do we encourage the creativity and uniqueness in our kids while still teaching them how to be calm, thoughtful, and organized? Discover the Raising Brains model and how it can promote independence, not dependence in your kids. By understanding the brain and choosing interventions that align with natural brain patterns, you can successfully build skills in your kids.

About our presenter

Dr. Sarah Allen is a pediatric neuropsychologist, consultant and author with over 15 years of experience studying the brain. Learn more: https://www.brainbehaviorbridge.com/. You can contact Sarah at 609-230-8790 or by email: drallen@brainbehaviorbridge.com.

Dr. Sarah Allen

Dr. Sarah Allen

March 14, 2023, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Extended School Year (ESY) Services and Compensatory Education: What Parents Need to Know

Featuring Denise Dimson Rekem, Esq., and Judith Weinstock, Esq.

Some students with disabilities may need special education and related services beyond the traditional 180-day school year in order to benefit from special education. Extended School Year (ESY) services can help limit skill loss and regression, teach social skills, build job and transition skills and more. In addition, some students may be entitled to compensatory education when services and supports in the IEP are not delivered in a way that produces benefits. Join us as Denise and Judith describe these important services, and how to advocate for them.

This event is co-sponsored by ASAH.

Passcode: r^8Kf9=9

About our presenter

Denise Dimson Rekem, Esq., and Judith Weinstock, Esq., are attorneys in private practice at Parles Rekem, Attorneys at Law. Both focus on the representation of individuals with special needs and their families in the areas of early intervention, special education, transition and adult services, residential placements, guardianships, bullying and discipline. Learn more at https://www.parlesrekem.com, or call: 973-564-0055.

Denise Dimson Rekem, Esq.

Denise Dimson Rekem, Esq.

Judith Weinstock, Esq.

Judith Weinstock, Esq.

April 11th, 2023, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Pandemic Mental Health 911: Social, Emotional and Clinical Supports for Students, Teachers and Parents

Featuring Erin Bruno, MA

Face it… there is no such thing as “back to normal.” Learning losses, anxiety, stress, depression, isolation have taken a toll on children and on parents. When adults feel depleted, it is hard to provide the support and guidance our children need. Join us as Erin talks about social and emotional supports for students AND their adult caregivers.

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About our presenters

Erin Bruno, MA, has been working in the field of Social and Emotional Learning, Conflict Resolution, and Anger Management for more than 20 years. She is the Lead Trainer for Rutgers University, University Behavioral Health Care’s Social Decision Making/Problem Solving Program (SDM/PS). Erin has presented and worked with many schools across the United States and assisted in the writing and publishing of the Social Decision Making and Problem Solving Curriculum.

Erin Bruno, MA

Erin Bruno, MA

May 9th, 2023, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

Securing the Future for Your Child with Special Needs: Financial and Estate Planning

Featuring Paul Prior, Esq., and Don Brown, ChFC, ChSNC, CASL

Sometimes, it feels like there are more questions than answers: Who will make decisions for my child when I am gone? Where will my child live? Who will make sure he is happy and safe? How much money is needed for a secure future? Do I really need an ‘estate plan’? Join us as Paul and Don answer these and other tough questions. They will offer a reassuring step-by-step plan to provide quality of life and a lifetime of care.

This event is co-sponsored by ASAH.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Passcode: B2Bip*YJ

About our presenters

Paul Prior, Esq., is the brother of a man with autism. He is a partner with Hinkle, Prior and Fischer, a law firm specializing in disability law. Learn more at http://hinkle1.com, email Paul at paul@hinkle1.com, or call 609-896-4200.

Donald T. Brown, ChFC, ChSNC, CASL, has been in the financial services industry for 30+ years and has earned the Chartered Special Needs Consultant designation.  Learn more at https://www.specialneedsfundingcoach.com, email Don at dtbrown@nlgroupmail.com, or call 848-200-7148.

Paul Prior, Esq.

Paul Prior, Esq.

Don Brown, ChFC, ChSNC, CASL

Don Brown, ChFC, ChSNC, CASL

2021-2022 Alliance Parent Advocacy Series

Monday, October 18, 2021, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.

When the Local Public School is Not Enough: Exploring the Need For An Out of District Placement

Featuring Hillary Freeman, Esq.

What happens when the local public school cannot meet a child’s academic, behavioral or social/emotional needs?  Join us as Hillary Freeman, Esq. discusses topics including least restrictive environment; accommodations, modifications and supports in public schools; the full range of placement options; demonstrating the need for out of district services; researching schools; writing the IEP; and planning the eventual return to district.

About our presenter

Hillary Freeman, Esq. is an attorney and national speaker in special education matters in the law. As the sister of a man with Autism, she combines personal experience with her legal training to help families advocate for services and supports. She has experience representing clients in special education and Section 504 issues, higher education issues including accommodations on high stakes testing and graduate school admissions tests, guardianship matters, estate planning and adult services. She was named a Rising Star℠ by Super Lawyers & Magazine for from 2013-2018. She has been honored for her work by scores of groups and agencies, and has presented at the United Nations for World Autism Awareness Day. For more information, visit https://www.freemanlawoffices.com/. You can contact Hillary at hillary@freemanlawoffices.com, or call 609-454-5609.

Tuesday, November 9, 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

Transition Made Easy: A Person-Centered Step- by-Step Guide to Transition into Adult Services

Featuring Trisha Bailey

Parents will learn the step-by-step process of accessing services with New Jersey’s Division of Developmental Disabilities and learn about Person-Centered Planning and why it is so important.

USE PASSCODE: Alliance#2

About our presenter

Trisha Bailey is a Support Coordinator at Caregivers of New Jersey, where she helps adults with disabilities and their families access supports and services they need to live the happiest and most fulfilling lives possible. Learn more at https://njcaregivers.org. You can contact Trisha at tbailey@njcaregivers.org, or call 877-265-6360.

Tuesday, December 14, 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

Out of Harm’s Way – Safety Tools and Resources for Students with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs

Featuring Adrienne Robertiello

There are hidden safety hazards in every home, school, workplace and community: fire, water, transportation, school, public spaces and now – COVID-19. Adrienne will provide tips and tools to support safety education, describe how to connect with local emergency responders, teach how to include safety goals in the IEP, and provide practical preventive measures to keep your child out of harm’s way.


About our presenter

Adrienne Robertiello is a Special Healthcare Educator at Children’s Specialized Hospital where, for the last 13 years she has designed and delivered comprehensive education programs for families. Learn more at https://www.childrens-specialized.org. You can contact Adrienne at arobertiello@childrens-specialized.org, or call 908-233-3720, ext. 2481.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

College Options for Students with Disabilities: Changing Expectations & Increasing Opportunities

Featuring Dr. Maria Paiewonsky, Think College

Increasingly, parents, students and schools are recognizing that higher education is an option for a wide range of students with disabilities. Whether fully matriculated, part time, or engaging in a campus based college experience, students with disabilities are “thinking college.” Join us a Maria describes ways in which college IS possible, why it may be a good choice, how to prepare, how to apply, how to pay for it; how to find the right program and the differences between college and High School.


About our presenter

Dr. Maria Paiewonsky is a technical assistance provider at Think College, a program of the Institute for Community Inclusion at University of Massachusetts, Boston. She provides resource development, training and technical assistance in the area of college based transition services, and has published a number of studies, guides and other materials to help parents, schools and college provider. Learn more: https://thinkcollege.net/. You can contact Maria at maria.paiewonsky@umb.edu, or call 617-287-4300.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

Compensatory Education and the Pandemic: Rights and Considerations

Featuring Rebecca Spar, Esq.

Many parents and school districts are recognizing the effects of interrupted learning on students with disabilities and asking about whether compensatory education is needed. How is the need for compensatory education determined? Is it a matter of grade retention? What services are needed to make up the losses? In this program, learn from one of New Jersey’s leading legal experts about the rights of students with disabilities to compensatory education.


About our presenter

Rebecca Spar, Esq. is a special education attorney and advocate with 34 years of legal experience. Prior to earning her law degree, she was a social worker.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

Gender Identity and Sexuality in Students with Autism and Other Disabilities

Featuring Cori Fraser, LCSW, Pittsburgh Center for Autistic Advocacy


With the emerging understanding that Autistic people are more likely to identify as LGBTQ than the general population, this presentation will help educators understand the breadth of identities among young people and the simple ways we can identify and support Autistic and disabled LGBTQ youth. Trans youth that reported having just one supportive adult in their lives were 40% less likely to report a suicide attempt in the last year compared to their peers without supportive adults (Trevor Project, 2019), so it is imperative that we work together to create supports for all LGBTQ young people, regardless of disability.

About our presenter

Cori Fraser, LCSW is the Executive Director of the Pittsburgh Center for Autistic Advocacy. They are a multiply disabled, nonbinary licensed social worker and activist. Having worked in progressive organizing since they were a teen, they have spent the last decade working to help build strong, vibrant queer and disabled communities. Co-founder of the Pittsburgh Center for Autistic Advocacy (PCAA), Cori’s work is reflective of their deep belief in interdependence and liberatory praxis. Cori serves on the City of Pittsburgh/Allegheny County Taskforce on Disability and the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs’ Information Sharing and Advisory Committee. Learn more: cori@autisitcpgh.org.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

Assistive Technology in Schools: Opening Doors to Learning and Independence

Kristen Russell, OTR, ATP

AT is any device, software, or equipment that helps people with learn, communicate, or function better. AT can be as high-tech as a computer, or as low-tech as a weighted pencil. In this program, learn about a student’s right to assistive technology, and how it can increase learning and independence.


About our presenter

Kristen Russell, OTR, ATP, is an occupational therapist and a RESNA certified Assistive Technology Professional at the Assistive Technology Center at Advancing Opportunities, where she provides consumers with assistive technology evaluations and trainings primarily in the area of computer access and workplace accommodations to help them become more independent at school, work, and home. Learn more: https://advopps.org/

Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

Securing the Future for Your Child with Special Needs: Financial and Estate Planning.

Featuring Paul Prior, Esq., and Don Brown, ChFC, CASL

Sometimes, it feels like there are more questions than answers: Who will make decisions for my child when I am gone? Where will my child live? Who will make sure he is happy and safe? How much money is needed for a secure future? Do I really need an ‘estate plan’? Join us as Paul and Don answer these – and other tough questions. They will offer a reassuring step-by- step plan to make sure your child’s future is secure.


About our presenters

Paul Prior, Esq., is the brother of a man with autism. He is a partner with Hinkle, Prior and Fischer, a law firm specializing in disability law. Learn more: http://hinkle1.com. You can contact Paul at paul@hinkle1.com; 609-896-4200.

Donald T. Brown, ChFC, ChSNC, CASL: Don Brown has been in the financial services industry for more than 30 years. He has been recognized as an industry leader in both personal production and management. Educating individuals and families on how to properly plan for dependents with special needs is a primary focus of Don’s practice. He has volunteered for more than 20 years with Camp Fatima of New Jersey, an all-volunteer camp for individuals with developmental challenges. Don is a graduate of Rutgers University and has earned the Chartered Financial Consultant, Chartered Special Needs Consultant, and Chartered Advisor for Senior Living designations. Learn more: https://www.specialneedsfundingcoach.com/. You can contact Don at dtbrown@nlgroupmail.com; 848-200-7148.

Donald T. Brown is a Registered Representative and Investment Adviser Representative of Equity Services, Inc. (ESI) and offers securities in the following states: AZ, CO, FL, MA, NJ, NY, OH, and PA. Securities and investment advisory services are offered solely by ESI, Member FINRA/SIPC, 200 Schulz Drive, Suite 125, Red Bank, NJ 07701, 848.200.7170. Special Needs Funding Coach is independent of ESI and APSES. Donald T. Brown is insurance licensed in the following states: AZ, CO, FL, IA, LA, MA, MD, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, and VA.