Chapel Hill Academy


Chapel Hill Academy is an out-of-district school for students, Kindergarten through twelfth grade, with learning, social, emotional and behavioral issues. We have 7 counselors and 3 counseling offices, a positive points system, hands on academics and fully certified teachers. Social Skills is infused throughout the day and in weekly social skills classes. Advanced and remedial classes are offered and monitored by our Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant and Reading Specialist.

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The Therapeutic School and Preschool


The Therapeutic School and Preschool is a private non-profit school accredited by The New Jersey State Department of Education. The School accepts children ages 3-14 who are classified preschool disabled, multiply disabled, and behaviorally disabled. Children classified with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are served from age 3-21.

The Therapeutic School and Preschool2023-07-24T12:02:39-04:00

Holmstead School


Holmstead School provides an educational and therapeutic atmosphere, which emphasizes innovative and flexible education for bright adolescents who need to be challenged in order to change their motivation and performance. Students at Holmstead find both academic success and behavioral growth.

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Honor Ridge Academy


Honor Ridge Academy is a DOE approved private day school for educationally classified students ages 5 to 21, providing a strong academic program including crisis and behavior management to out-of-district placed students for over 40 years. We provide: complete academic curriculum, small classroom setting, positive based behavior management systems, individual therapeutic counseling for all students, as well as, related services pursuant to the IEP.

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Montgomery Academy


We are more than just your average school, we are a tight-knit community of learners committed to providing highly individualized instruction to our students. We offer therapeutic services to students experiencing social, emotional and educational challenges that cannot be met in their local or regional school districts.

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The Forum School


The Forum School is a private, non-profit, non-sectarian day program for developmentally atypical children from preschool through high school. We offer a therapeutic educational environment for children whose educational needs cannot be met in their local district.

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The Midland School


Midland opened its doors in 1960 for two students with developmental disabilities. Today the school serves approximately 200 students from central and northern New Jersey. The School is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education and was twice honored by the United States Department of Education as a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.

The Midland School2021-07-29T10:53:34-04:00

The Phoenix Center


The Phoenix Center is a nationally-accredited, not-for-profit school serving the educational, behavioral and therapeutic needs of students ages 5-21 with autism, multiple disabilities, behavioral disabilities and intellectual disabilities. It offers customized evidence-based programs – individualized for each student - which are anchored in a hands-on, real-life community-based instruction model.

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Westbridge Academy


Westbridge Academy offers a powerful, therapeutic based academic and social skills training program for students in grades K-12 experiencing emotional, behavioral and/or learning challenges. The elementary, middle and high school programs provide a stimulating curriculum, coupled with therapeutic intervention and support, utilizing a student/teacher ratio of 6:1.

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Green Brook Academy


Green Brook Academy is a state approved private school for students ages six through twenty-one (6-21) for students in need of individualized attention for significant emotional and behavioral disabilities. With the help of our specially trained staff, students are given the opportunity to modify their behavior by developing the necessary social skills to allow them to realize success in their future.

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