ECLC of New Jersey Chatham Campus
21 Lum Avenue
Chatham, NJ 07928
Phone: 973-635-1700
Population Served:
Autism, Aspergers, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Deafness, Downs Syndrome, Intellectual/Cognitive Disabilities, Medically Fragile, Physical Disabilities, Speech/Apraxia
Age Served:
Elementary, Middle School, High School, 18-21, 21 and over
Counties Served:
Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, Warren
Program Description:
ECLC of New Jersey is more than just a school! We are a caring community, offering education and lifelong services to people with special needs. ECLC is an innovator and pioneer in the field of special needs, winning awards and recognition across our various entities.
ECLC, a private, nonprofit, was started in 1970, by a group of parents. Initially, ECLC offered early-intervention services to young children. As those youngsters progressed and grew up, ECLC grew up right along with them, moving from a one-room setting into one school building, then expanding into a second, and greatly increasing the range of services as that initial group of children became young adults.
Today, through our network of agencies and programs, ECLC of New Jersey serves more adults than children. The services start in our two schools, located in Chatham and Ho-Ho-Kus, which educate more than 300 children, ages 5-21, drawn from throughout Central and North Jersey and even from New York City. From SmartBoards and iPads to afterschool yoga and overnight respite trips, our innovative teachers and professional staff are constantly exploring and seeking new ways to help our students achieve their greatest potential.
ECLC extends this helping hand as graduation approaches. During their final year of school, the staff from ECLC’s affiliate Community Personnel Services (CPS) works with students to transition them into a supported-employment job in their home community or to join ECLC’s PRIDE Adult Program or another appropriate alternative. CPS also provides support coordination services.
From the earliest years of education through graduation, a job or another programs, ECLC is always there to meet the needs of this special community.